The Discovery of America
There have been five periods of time on earth when there was only snow and severe winter
This is called the Ice Age or the Ice Age. The time of these Ice Ages covered hundreds and thousands of years. The last Ice Age on our earth also lasted for several thousand years. The man of this last Ice Age lived in caves and hunted. During this last Ice Age, about 20,000 to 25,000 years ago, a group of hunters went out from Siberia in search of prey. It turns out that the hunting party was unknowingly taking them to a new world. Little did they know that the ice on which they were slipping and falling was actually a temporary short passage between two great continents. Because it was revealed that during the ice age, the water level in the seas had gone down due to the freezing of the seas, and in the seas, there were mounds, small islands and channels between the islands.
Among these paths, this hunter group followed a similar path, this hunter Dolly took the genes of the old world with him, crossed this narrow path and settled in the new world and then remained here – 11 thousand years ago. The last ice age on earth ended, the sea levels rose again and that narrow dry passage sank again into deep waters – the same passage that this hunter-gatherer band had crossed to reach the New World –
The land route between the old world and the new world was cut off, the connection was lost. We call this place Bering Street.
But it took the man of the old world 150,000 years to cover this short distance of 85 km. How were these thousands of years in the new world? Who and how discovered this world? The country was discovered by America and became a world superpower
Before the discovery of America, what happened to this group of hunters?
The people who went to the New World, those hunting groups continued to spread in this very large piece of land for centuries and thousands of years. Just look at this very old map of the New World, the continent of America, where Mexico is, there used to be a great empire, the Eztec Empire, spread over an area of more than two hundred thousand square kilometers, in this empire, about 500 States were included and 6 million people lived here
The area down to the south of the Eztec Empire was the seat of the Mayan civilization. This civilization was about 4,000 years old and made a name for itself in art and culture. This empire existed in the form of Bayer. According to today’s calculations, it started from the American country of Ecuador and spread to the regions of Chile and Argentina. The population of the empire was about 120 million. There were also many small and large settlements in the whole continent below. In the islands of the West Indies, there were people of our Waq race. Somewhere in the whole America, from Canada to Brazil and Argentina, there were various NATO Native American tribes.
Most of them lived in small settlements or they can be called Badihat. Maize was their favorite food, which they grew on a large scale. These people of the New World were in the millions. There were about a million people in Abad, but these people on both sides were completely ignorant of each other, and for them, no other world existed, neither in stories, nor on any map, nor in anyone’s memory – because both 11,000 years ago, contact was lost.
Discoveries and Stories of America
There are some stories according to which a few forgotten wanderers from the old world accidentally reached the islands of the new world, and some of them even wrote about it in the third century, a period of Chinese poetry about 1700 BC. There is a mention of a distant foreign land. In Chinese poetry, this land was written as Fuzhen, which means “out of ten worlds”. After traveling eastward for another 5,000 kilometers, there is another sea, which is blue in color, very wide and infinite. It may be the United States, because America is in the east of China. And by crossing it, another sea, the Atlantic Ocean begins-
Similarly, in 458, an Afghan servant, Bakshu Hui Shem, started a journey from China to the east with his four companions. also wrote his travelogue in which he wrote the conditions there – after 500 years, the Viking tribes of Northern Europe also arrived in America and they also established their settlements in the area of Newfoundland where Canada is located. The models of these settlements are are also there – like the Chinese and the Vikings, some Muslims also claim that they too arrived in the Americas in the 10th century during the reign of Abdurrahman Swaim, the ruler of Spain, but they also established settlements there, built mosques, and preached Islam. This is their claim – Hindus also have similar claims that NATO-Americans also used to ask their relatives, that is, in their opinion, a Hindu from India had once arrived there and went to America, that’s why ancient American tribes like them. The gods were worshipped-
So friends, there are many more such claims, but the problem is whether these claims are right or wrong, it doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is if someone discovered this island, this world, and they believed it to be true. That this is a new world and he has established the connection of this new world with the old world. People have started to know. So, friends, this connection was not possible by the discovery of the Chinese, nor by the journey of the Pathans, nor by any Muslim or Hindu. From the story of the sailor-
Contact was established between the two worlds and it was considered correct. The alienation that existed in the old world and the new world existed for thousands of years. The people of the old world thought that the world ended on the shores of Europe and Africa. And the American tribes also believed that the water beyond their shores was only water and nothing.
The discovery of America and the 15th century
But then it happened that the fifteenth century passed. In this century, there was such a shift in international power dynamics in the global game of power that it changed everything. The zone had to go beyond its geographical limits and find new routes and new lands
So, my curious fellows, this old world which the Americans left 25 thousand years ago – Europe was a great power, a dominant force, the Roman Empire of Europe was the only superpower in the world for hundreds of years and many areas of Asia. He had a government, but now the empire became weaker and his state was finally, this empire was just a city of Constantinople, which was still called an empire or empire in memory of the old times and under the protection of powerful walls. Then what happened in 1453. The last vestige of the Roman Empire was destroyed by the Turks.
The young Turkish Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror defeated the Roman Empire and ended it forever. Because Constantinople was not only an important military base, but also a holy city in Europe, it was the center of Orthodox Christianity. Therefore, Christians all over Europe had a special devotion to this city – but besides devotion, this city also had another importance because the city was a lifeline for European trade from Asia and especially China, from the markets of Central Asia to China. Silk, spices, precious stones, gold, silver and I don’t know what else used to come to Europe through this route.
Due to this defeat, the people of Europe were suffering from an agony both economically and spiritually. People were forced to throw their children on the garbage heap, farmers started committing suicide or were forced to live a life of slavery by taking loans on interest.
Then, my friends, it began to happen that hungry naked people resorted to looting to save their lives. In a short time, crimes had increased to such an extent that pedestrians in the streets of Europe would look up to the sky instead of the ground. The reason was that the criminals hiding in the houses used to throw stones from the windows and kill the passers-by and then steal what they could from the clothes of the dead bodies.
Wealthy people had hired guards, but ordinary people were dying in public. Even the government guards were helpless in this situation.
So, friends, this was the economic disaster of Europe which came down to Europe due to the capture of Constantinople and the closure of trade routes. The second disaster was spiritual. One by one they are going under the possession of the Muslims, so now these people thought that this is a difficult time for Christianity, the Christian areas are decreasing day by day and decreasing geographically. If the series continues, it may not happen that Christianity itself ends or its powerful status ends-
So these were the reasons on the basis of which Agens, his religious and commercial class, were looking for a new world, but where such a world could be found there, they did not know, just four or five thousand kilometers to the west of them. In the distance, there is a world whose area is almost equal to the area of this whole world and which is also rich in natural resources such as gold, silver, etc. They only knew of this world in which they traveled towards the east and reached China. And Japan could be reached-
The story of China and Japan
These two countries i.e. China and Japan were being mentioned in every household in Europe these days because Marco Polo’s travelogue had reached everywhere in Europe. Marco Polo had written to Caesar to China and Seppa to Japan about Japan. He wrote that the roofs of the royal palace here are gold, the doors and windows are also decorated with gold, and most of the rooms have gold plates two or two inches thick on the floor, thus he called China and its Mongol ruler. The stories of Khan’s wealth were also presented with greater resignation than exaggeration.
Although the travelogue of Marco Polo was written at least one and a half hundred years ago, the travelogue of Marco Polo was the only ray of hope for the poor Europeans in a bad situation. They had to find a way to reach China and Japan somehow and try to get the riches that Marco Polo wrote about, but the problem was that this route went through Egypt, which was occupied by the Muslim Empire. In any case, there were small and large Islamic states in the entire Mediterranean Sea, from Morocco to Egypt, which kept attacking European merchant ships. Another route that was discovered by great men like Bartholomew Niaz was to go around Africa to reach Asia, but this route was very long, even a one-way route could be completed in months.
Now the Europeans did not understand what route to take to reach Asia which would be in their interest and also short so that they could reach Asia through this route to trade and end their poverty. An unknown Altavian navigator came forward and claimed that he knew the shortest route to China and Japan in Asia, which he believed to be a direct route across the Atlantic Ocean. No big country could pose a threat to them in this way.
Discovery of America and Christopher Columbus
It was a huge claim that could change the fate of Europeans. The claimant was none other than Christopher Columbus from Geneva, Italy – Columbus had spent most of his life in the seas and the rest of his time. As a youth, he was greatly influenced by the travelogues of Marco Polo, who claimed that he was an expert in finding the way with the help of the sun and moon stars. His idea was that since the world is round, if you travel directly from Europe to the west, you will reach Sepa, that is, Japan, from a distance of four and a half thousand kilometers. Got it, all of Asia got it –
In the opinion of Columbus, finding Asia was like finding a gold mine where you can pick up as much gold as you want and bring it to Europe, but Columbus’s dream was not only gold and wealth, he also called himself the Christ Bearer.
In fact, in Christian history, there was a legend of a person named Christopher who carried Jesus Christ on his back across the river. This Christopher was remembered as Christ Baler in the Christian world – so the dream of the sailor Christopher Columbus. He believed that just as the legendary figure of history, Christopher, had carried Jesus Christ across the river, he would also take the boat of Christianity. If a great Christian Empire like the Empire should be established, friends, the dream of enriching Europe with gold and establishing a Christian Empire is Christopher Columbus, he started sifting the dust of European courts. He kept presenting the idea of traveling to the side and trying to get investment. Now Europe was in a bad situation in those days, poverty had already broken their back and there were other reasons, but the incident was that a king or queen In 1485, he arrived in Spain. At that time, Spain was ruled by the pregnant second and Queen Elizabeth. In Spain, Columbus tried to meet the queen for seven years, but the queen There was no time because the king and queen were busy expelling the Muslims from Spain at that time. Finally, when the last stronghold of the Muslims in Spain was close to defeat in 491, the queen invited Columbus to her court. Columbus shared his idea with the queen. And he assured him that his plan was a super plan that would succeed in any case. Not only that, but Columbus will go to the new lands of Asia. He said that it would be easy to convert the people there to Christianity and then there would be an empire and then the government of Spain would spread to a Christian place. Overwhelmed with emotion, Columbus announced that he would grant permission and financial support for this voyage. Columbus had his first success at the court of Spain, but Queen Iswell did not know what Columbus was saying. Yes, he is cheating on her, not only the Queen, but Columbus also cheated the sailors and crew who were going to be with him on the voyage. Wait for the next blog to find out why his companions planned to kill him and how this Atalavi sailor continued to deceive his crew using pretexts.